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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Our New Addition

About 3 weeks ago we lost a much loved pet. Frank was an older dog when we got him...a pit bull that had been fought. He followed a friend of my son's home one day and he wasn't allowed to keep him so, our son brought him to our house. Of course, seeing the shape he was in we couldn't not let him stay to at least heal. I admit I was concerned about his personality with it obvious he had been put in the fighting ring. Couldn't have a dog with a more loving one.

We were not interested much in getting another dog but the one we still have was unhappy alone so we decided to look around. We did know if we got one, we would prefer a smaller breed. Max is a doberman/terrier mix and still on the hyper side. I was interested in a calmer dog as well.

Walt found our new family member at a shelter today. He's about 6 they estimate and a dachshund/pug mix. He's small enough and calm and Max is happy again. The new addition came with the name Gus and I think it suits him rather well. He and Max hit it off and he's lovable and calm and I feel will fit in our family from the start.

Here is the lovable guy.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Don't Steal My Stash

I found this in my inbox this morning and couldn't help but share it here.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Introducing My Niece's Blog

My 11 year old niece has started to blog. It should prove to be interesting reading. She already does videos to post on Facebook that I look forward to.

So here it is Girltween.

New Charity

I've discovered a new charity I am interested in. Threads of Compassion. Here is what I will be sending them. I'd like to get one more completed before I do though.

Rain Hat

I bought a rain coat. It's a bit on the big side but that just means it will wrap up and cover me well even with a sweater on under it. It's animal print. And it was on sale! It is a bit on the dressy side as well so no hood with it. Therefore, I concluded I needed a hat to wear with it. I had a black one out of worsted weight yarn that looks rather nice but wasn't rainproof. So....yes, I made another. Out of nylon. Hoping this one will repel water. It should at least be better than the one I was using.

Not a good picture. I really need to get a head to showcase stuff like this and a dress form or something to showcase my other things. Looking for them now. That should translate into those that know me as looking for a bargain on them.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Oh the possibilities of  this yarn. Gotten at a good price with nothing in mind for them. I will let it all sit for a bit. The perfect way to use it will come to me eventually. Could be small projects or large projects or just the right accent yarn I don't have yet to pull something all together. Who knows and isn't that part of the fun? I have plenty to work on in my list to let it decide what it wants to be.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Just Some Thoughts

Some random thoughts....

My youngest son's GF is starting to crochet. She wanted to learn something and I was right in the middle of Christmas things so I gave her circular knitting looms. She really took to those. A method of taking things off the loom is with a crochet hook. I gave her one of those as well a little later. She has found some instructions on crocheting online and is doing that now I have heard. Doing a good job my son says. I'll try to get up with her this weekend and check out how she is going.

I made me a shawl out of some yarn this same son had found me at a thrift shop. I love how the colors pop together. It's acrylic and not the softest but a good washing will help that out a little. I didn't have enough for a full blanket so that's why I chose a shawl. I made it bigger than normal and while it was laying in my chair (we have a dual recliner loveseat that Walt and I always sit in) I noticed it was just wide enough to over my side of it. It's new and I had been using a towel to protect it at times. The shawl is now a half afghan that stays in my seat all the time.

Now, I'm making one for Walt. It always amazes me how slow I can be crocheting if I am not into the project. I don't really care for the pattern he chose nor the colors. However, I believe I am through with the squares finally. I will put a border around this and it will be done. It's half the size of the pattern for the afghan and though the pattern doesn't have a border, I do not like how it looks without one. I will be adding that tonight hopefully. It was a slow pattern for me for me to work up. It didn't really flow I suppose. And this is the second thing I've made that I've really noticed the color choice had an effect on how well the project went for me.

I've thought about this off and on for the last 6 months or so. I'd like to find a group that meets to knit and crochet together. I would like to make new friends and learn new things. And just have a social aspect to my life again. I haven't found one in the little I've searched but, today, I have started making greater efforts to do so.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Modeling Their Gifts

My aunt was sweet enough to send me a picture of her grandchildren modeling the sweaters I made. The children are so cute!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Universal Craft Blog Directory

If you'd like to have your blog listed or to just find many crafty blogs, click on the button on the side of this page and it will take you there or find it here.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goals for 2012

I looked back at my goals for the year post for 2011. I met some of them but not all.

I did design several bags and totes that have been a hit.

I did not get much charity work done. I crocheted a lot. I really did. But it was for gifts or for sale.

Goals for 2012:

Charity--I have time to get some scarves made for the Special Oympics if I get on them now.

Gifts--In 2011 I started to make afghans for family members. I made one for both my sons. I got one done for a sister and one done for a wedding gift. I am working on one for my mother and my aunt that is a design of mine. It took several attempts to get the square as I wanted it. I have that now and I am working on both at the same time. The same color for each one and putting them together as I go. I want them to be finished at the same time. This will be a priority of mine this year. Getting the afghans made. My other two sisters did finally pick out a pattern they would like so I can get on those afterwards.

New techniques--I did get better at the basic Tunisian stitch but now could expand on that. I have also come across freeform crochet. Well, I'd seen it before but after reading a little more I am developing an interest in it so I may give that a try. And I've also been looking into tapestry crochet. So much to do and learn and so little time. :(

I'm sure when I revisit this post next year I'll have achieved some of the goals and not achieved some of them. I change my mind throughout the year. It all depends on the time I have and the urges I have.I'm fickle it seems.

Happy New Year